the Saint Anthony Chaplet collages

              illustrations by Moses Hoskins as accompaniment to A Life of Christ Meditation for the St Anthony Chaplet by Peter Huyck*

- an excerpt from Huyck's Introduction: This is a modern version of an old Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua said on beads. The prayer consists of repeating Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be thirteen times; the number 13 has no significance other than St Anthony died on June 13 in 1231.

The meditation is inspired by the work of Domenicus Prutenus who died in 1460. Sometime between 1409 and 1415 Domenicus added a similar meditation to 50 Hail Marys said on beads (called a rozenkranz) which later became the rosary.

'Chaplet' has the same sense as 'rozenkranz'. Both signify a circlet of flowers worn on the head which, via legend, came to mean a prayer said on beads. In the legend spoken prayers become roses and Mary plucks them from the mouth of a praying monk and makes herself a chaplet.

about the collages:

Hoskins' collages are almost always made from found material &/or detritus and sometimes include drawing or markings. Usually he does not work on content directed pieces - but here, The Chaplet Collages comprise an aesthetic response to specific content.  

Pete and Mo had known each other since Hoskins' Iowa City days and were friends for some years at the time this came together. - In the late 90's Huyck had repeatedly asked Hoskins if he might reconsider his initiial refusal to 'illustrate' this Saint Anthony Chaplet that Huyck had composed. - Hoskins thought something like this simply was not his cup of tea - and practically, that it would divert him from his usual work...

One day ca.2000, after looking through the text again, considering, perhaps 'contemplating' these 13 vignettes from the saga of the life of Jesus, Hoskins began messing around at his desk with scrap at hand in the stillness of his studio at the time high above the cacophony of Manhattan's 8th Avenue as he imagined an intimate sense of drift portrayed in the Chaplet. - He was already familiar with these bible stories from childhood, most of which defied rational explanation. Overall, essentially, it was about wonder and mystery - and faith. Within the next few hours, a cohesive series of 13 pieces had transpired -each piece specifically in tune visually with one of the 13 scenarios. - Scroll down:

I. The Visit of the Magi / Where is the newborn King of the Jews?   Matthew 2:2

II.   The Baptism of Jesus by John  /  This is my beloved Son. My favor rests on him. Matthew 3:17

III.  The Wedding at Canna  /  Do whatever he tells you. John 2:5

IV. The Sermon on the Mount  /  None of those who cry out 'Lord,Lord' will enter the kingdom of God but only the one who does the will of the Father in heaven.  Luke 7:21

V.  Jesus Feeds Five Thousand  /  Give them something to eat yourselves.  Matthew 14:16

VI.  Jesus Walks on Water  /  It is I. Do not be afraid.   Matthew 14:27

VII.  The Parable of the Prodigal Son  /  He was lost and is found.   Luke 15:24

VIII.  The Vine and the Branches  /  I am the vine; you are the branches.  John 15:5

IX.  The Woman by the Well  /  Give me a drink.  John 4:7

X.  The Transfiguration  /  This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him.  Luke 9:35

XI.  The Messianic Entry into Jerusalem  /  Blessed is he who comes as king in the name of the Lord!  Luke 19:38

XII.  The Last Supper  /  Do this in remembrance of me.  Luke 22:19

XIII. The Road to Emmaus  /  Were not our hearts burning inside us as he talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures to us? Luke 24:23

to purchase hard copies of St Anthony Chaplet complete with Huyck's text and scholarly input + Hoskins' illustrations >

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* Peter Huyck is the author of Scriptural Meditations for the Rosary (Twenty-Third Publications, 1982), Rosary Psalms (St Paul's UK 1994), and A Scriptural Rosary - 1596 (St Paul's UK 1999). His debut novel Rose Fire was released in 2019, with its accompanying screenplay of the same name following in 2020. The Rosary Project, a guide to praying the rosary closer to its original, more authentic form, was published in 2022. / Peter died (passed away) peacefully in summer 2024 at his home in Iowa City.
